The GSCPA has teamed up with Software Link to bring you hands-on “Peachtree Software Training”, at the GSCPA Training Center on Feb. 16-17. This two-day session is designed for CPAs and any user of Peachtree Software who is looking for an experience that will deliver the highest quality in training and service.
Tax Info :
The IRS launched a new program for new business taxpayers designed to boost electronic payment of taxes. This development offers some taxpayers new, quicker access to an electronic payment system. For details, go to the IRS web site.
IRS E-Filing Directive Sparks Privacy Debate
- Is it unnecessary government intrusion or a way to gather routine information? Tax preparers are debating that question since the IRS announced it would flag taxpayers who use its free electronic tax-filing program.
Keep current on tax issues by joining the GSCPA Taxation Section.
SEC Proposes New Mutual Fund Requirements:
The SEC voted to propose three regulatory initiatives designed to better protect the 95 million investors in mutual funds. These initiatives represent the next in a series of securities law reforms pursued by the SEC to address problems identified with the management and sale of mutual funds. |
Real Estate Roundtable Series:
Sign up now for the entire roundtable series being held throughout 2004. The dates: Jan. 27, Feb. 24, March 23, April 20, May 25, July 27, Aug. 24, Sept. 28 and Oct. 26; GSCPA Training Center; 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. The special reduced rate is $144.00 and you must register by January 27, 2004 to receive the discount. All series registrations are non-transferable. Each roundtable session qualifies for 1 hour CPE credit.Technology Update: |  | "Business Solutions: Togetherness, Wiki Style" - Wall Street Journal (01/12/04), p. R4; Michael Totty- Businesses interested in having workers across the globe work more closely despite their separation should consider wikis, which are Web pages that can be altered by anyone with access. Wikis allow a company's contractors and employees to share ideas, intelligence, and track projects as employees add, delete, and change online material without using programming language or obtaining permission from a Web master. This update is sponsored by ADP. Find out more about ADP Small Business Services, call 1-866-4ASK-ADP or visit their web site.
Keep current on IT issues and developments by joining the GSCPA Information Technology Section. |
Help Us Get Our Cowparade Miniature:
The GSCPA CowParade Atlanta entry, the Cowculator, was a great success. It sold at auction for $3,250 – proceeds went to the American Cancer Society and TechBridge Atlanta. In order to get it made into a miniature, we need you to request it. You don’t need to order anything. If we get enough requests, the miniature will be made available for purchase on the CowParade web site. Please email rfox@cowparade.net and request that the Cowculator be made into a miniature. |
GSCPA Accepting Nominations for Prestigious Awards:
Each year, the GSCPA honors members in various areas of the accounting profession for their outstanding service to the Society, their profession, and their communities. Nominations for these awards, including the Public Service Award and Outstanding Member in Industry Award, are accepted from the membership. For more information and nomination forms, please visit our web site. |