Pension Plan Limitations for 2005
- The IRS announced cost of living adjustments applicable to dollar limitations for pension plans and other items for 2005. Many of the pension plan limitations will change for 2005. For most of the limitations, the increase in the cost-of-living index met the statutory thresholds that trigger their adjustment. Furthermore, several limitations, set by the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (EGTRRA), are scheduled to increase at the beginning of 2005.
Keep current on tax issues. Join the GSCPA Taxation Section
Governor Perdue Addresses GSCPA:
Honored guest Governor Sonny Perdue addressed over 400 GSCPA members and their guests at the Distinguished Speakers Dinner, November 10, at the Grand Hyatt in Buckhead. Over 50 public accounting firms, 40 companies, and 14 colleges and universities were represented. The Governor praised CPAs for providing the highest level of service, integrity, and professionalism. He then presented an update on the business climate in Georgia and how the state has successfully dealt with some tough challenges. For the complete text of the Governor’s speech, click here. Pictured (l-r): Governor Sonny Perdue and Michael Cauley, GSCPA President. |
The 2004 Savannah Tax Forum - Gain A New Perspective 16.5 hours CPE (including 3 hours A&A); December 2-3. Early risers - plan to attend the optional 2 hours early morning CPE credit (including 1 hour A&A on day 2) from 7 - 7:50 a.m. This year's conference has a new format. You can select breakout sessions that are designed for your level of experience, on practical or theoretical topics. Early registration extended to November 15. |
Take the Leap... at the 2004 Governmental A&A Conference
(course no. 13070); December 6; Cobb Galleria Centre; 8 hours credit under the GAO guidelines. Karl Johnson, with GASB, will present an extensive update on government issues. Myra Byrd, with the Carl Vinson Institute in Athens, will give tips to plan the interview in a government audit to include questions regarding SAS 99. Other topics include: detecting fraud in government; workpaper documentation, materiality and independence; and risk assessment including information security. Early registration ends Monday, November 15.
Key Into the Pulse of Healthcare Issues at the 2005 Healthcare Conference (course no. 13010); February 18, 2005; Cobb Galleria Centre. This year’s conference will have two general sessions in the morning followed by afternoon breakout sessions. Glen Reed, King & Spalding, will be back to provide the latest developments in Healthcare in his Legal Update. Brad Benton and Bill Hanna, KPMG, will look at the Next Phase for Sarbanes Oxley - Controls and How You Balance Risks and Controls with Business Improvement. Early Registration ends February 4, 2005. For program/registration, click here and choose the Healthcare Conference.
Tools & Rules For Success Today
; course no. 11065; November 23; GSCPA Training Center; Instructor: Terry Brock; Standard Registration Fee Available 2004 Accounting Systems Shoot Out; course no. 11070; November 29; Cobb Galleria Centre; Instructor: Carlton Collins; Early Registration ends November 15 Fringe Benefits: 2004; course no. 12030; December 2; GSCPA Training Center; Instructor: Sharon Scott; Early Registration ends November 18. Want to plan ahead? For a view of courses offered over the next three weeks, click here. Tools to Help Market Your Practice: |  | The CPA Online Marketing Toolkit is now available. The Tool Kit contains five print advertisements, PDF brochures, speeches, the CPA logo with the new tagline “America counts on CPAs,” general marketing guidance and online marketing tips, a sample e-newsletter and survey, customer service and successful selling tips, and a host of other marketing resources for CPAs. All sections include usage guidelines and directions. To access the web site, enter "cpamarketing" (user name) and "toolkit1!" (password). |
| Technology Update : |  | "Saving Gracefully," CFO-IT (10/04); Anne Stuart New technology that was originally intended to meet the information storage needs of large firms may deliver the same benefits to small- and midsize businesses (SMBs). Information life-cycle management (ILM) technology provides easy, reliable access to records and helps organizations manage their data and preserve the confidentiality of other records. This update sponsored by Robert Half Finance & Accounting. |
 | | New MAP Survey Results Are Now Available Results of the recent MAP Survey are currently available on the GSCPA web site.
Tax Speech and PowerPoint Available - Market your tax expertise with a tax speech and PowerPoint presentation, entitled Tax Training Tips for 2004. The materials include tax-planning considerations such as Health Savings Accounts; family, homeowner, and education related tax strategies; investment strategies; and tax breaks for small business owners. For a free copy, contact Jamie Etzbach.