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Membership in The Georgia Society of CPAs offers many professional and personal benefits. No matter what area of the profession you have chosen, GSCPA is focused on providing you with the tools, resources and savings to take your career to the next level.
As the voice of the CPA profession in Georgia, GSCPA continually looks out for its members’ interests before regulatory and legislative bodies.
GSCPA closely monitors the news and trends that affect CPAs and the business community. As a GSCPA member, interact with almost 14,000 professional peers in Georgia and expand your network. GSCPA offers numerous opportunities to link with current and potential colleagues and share information on best practices.
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Thank you for your membership with The Georgia Society of CPAs! If your membership dues were renewed before the June 30th deadline you are qualified to receive a free registration to GSCPA’s 8-hour virtual on-demand conference created specifically for renewing members.
Michael R. Wiggins, JD MS MBA CFE
Michael Wiggins has been on the full time faculty at Georgia Southern since 2008, teaching courses in Business Law, Tax Fraud and Accounting. He's been a licensed attorney since 1994 and is a Certified Fraud Examiner. He has given CPEs to the Georgia Society of CPAs, the IMA, the IIA, the ACFE, and he was an invited speaker on accounting fraud at the 8th Annual Fraud and Forensic Accounting Education Conference in 2014. He earned a Juris Doctor from the University of Arizona, an MBA from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst and a bachelor's degree from Wichita State University. He was formerly a staff attorney for Excel Manufacturing and Roadmaster Corporation and an of counsel attorney with McCloud & Boedigheimer in Minneapolis. He has been a staff editor for the Journal of Legal Studies of Business and has reviewed articles for the American Business Law Journal and the Journal of Legal Studies Education.