the calculation of cost of capital. Prepare computations that will withstand an attorney's scrutiny and increase your ability to critically review others' reports on the cost of capital. Develop the skills to effectively use and understand Ibbotson Data in your valuation calculations. Avoid the common errors often made in estimation and use of cost of capital.
"Discounts and Premiums in a Business Valuation Environment**"
(course no. 07038); July 27; 8 hours CPE; Instructor - Michael Grozdanoff. Program includes analysis of discount for lack of marketability studies, analysis of minority interest, control premium studies, and key legal cases. Learn to master discount and premium determination, understand proper application of discounts and premiums, and develop calculations you can defend in court.
**AICPA members qualify for a $30 discount off course fee.
Credits is now available online. To view the most recent issue, please click here.