19Oct8 (19oct8)

Volume 4, Number 19October 8, 2004www.gscpa.org
in this issue:

Governor Sonny Perdue to speak at Distinguished Speakers Dinner
Tax Info: President Signs Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2004; Schedule C-EZ Change Means Savings for Small Businesses; EITC Assistant Debuts on IRS.gov
Words and Phrases that Trigger Spam Filters
AICPA Launches Business Valuation and Forensic/ Litigation Web Site
Technology Update
Items to Note

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The next issue of
E-Sources will be released to your
inbox on Friday,
October 22, 2004.

E-Sources, a resource for GSCPA members, provides timely information about issues affecting the accounting profession, educational opportunities, and special events. E-Sources is sent on the second and fourth Friday of each month.

To view the online version of this newsletter, please click here.

This issue of E-Sources is sponsored by:

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position in the least amount of time. Please visit our
web site for more information or call 770-604-9030.

  Governor Sonny Perdue to Speak at Distinguished Speakers Dinner
The GSCPA is honored to have Governor Sonny Perdue as its guest speaker at the Distinguished Speakers Dinner,Wednesday, November 10 at the Grand Hyatt in Buckhead. NOTE: This is a change from the originally publicized date of November 9. The cocktail reception begins at 5 p.m.; dinner is at 6 p.m. and the Governor will speak at 7 p.m. The cost is $45 per person; one hour CPE. Register early, as seating is limited. To register, visit the CPE catalog and enter course #11601.
Tax Info:
President Signs Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2004 – The Act extends numerous expiring individual and business-related provisions; makes “technical” (and occasionally substantive) corrections to tax legislation as far back as the Small Business Jobs Protection Act of 1996; and includes some new proposals. One important business-related provision is the retroactive extension of the research and development credit that expired June 30, 2004.

Schedule C-EZ Change Means Savings for Small Business - The IRS will expand the number of small businesses eligible to file a simplified expense form, a move that will save money and reduce paperwork burden. The IRS will double the business expense threshold to $5,000 from $2,500 for filing the Form 1040, Schedule C-EZ.

New EITC Assistant Debuts on IRS.gov - The IRS unveiled a new tool to help tax professionals determine whether their clients are eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit. The new application is available in English and Spanish.

Keep current on tax issues. Join the GSCPA Taxation Section

Words and Phrases That Trigger Spam Filters:

What causes your emails to bounce? Maybe you are using some of the 250 words or phrases that trigger Spam filters. For a complete list, click here.
AICPA Launches Business Valuation and Forensic/Litigation Services Web Site:

The AICPA unveiled a new web site for its members who specialize in Business Valuation (BV) and Forensic & Litigation Services (FLS). The site is designed for any CPA who provides services in business valuation, fraud investigation, forensic accounting, family law, economic damages, litigation services and other related areas such as estate planning.
Technology Update:

Getting the Right Technology Calls for Internal Analysis

Philadelphia Business Journal (09/27/04); Ron Rosen - Technology consultant Ron Rosen says businesses need to consider their customers, capabilities, and competition to determine the kinds of software and systems they need to be successful. Before purchasing new technology, companies need to find out if their customers prefer online or telephone communication. This update is sponsored by Robert Half Management Resources.

Keep current on IT issues and developments by joining the GSCPA Information Technology Section.
CPE News:

You Hold the Key to Your Organization's Success. Register today for 2004 Fall Decision Makers Conference (course no. 13045); October 22; 8 hours CPE (including 5 hours A&A); Cobb Galleria Centre. Some session topics - Think Like a Thief: Fraud Issues & Answers for CPAs; Wage and Hour Issues; Terrorism in Accounting; Ethics: Shifts in Behavior and Culture; Levels of Financial Knowledge; and There’s More to Your Brain Than You Think.

The 2004 Tax Forum offers 16.5 hours CPE (including 3 hours A&A). There are optional 2 hours early morning CPE credit (including 1 hour A&A on day 2) from 7 - 7:50 a.m. This year's conference was planned with a new perspective and a new format. Select breakout sessions that are designed for your level of experience, on practical or theoretical topics. Colin Blalock presents "Getting You and Your Client OUT of Penalties" during a general session on Day One. Click here, then scroll down to choose with Atlanta or Savannah Tax Forum.

Atlanta Forum:
November 3-4 - Early Registration Ends October 27
Savannah Forum:
December 2-3 - Early Registration Ends November 11.

Staff Training in Taxation - Advanced S Corporation Issues Accounting Periods and Methods (course no. 10044); October 21-22; GSCPA Training Center; Instructor: Ed Harter; fee: $349.

Want to plan ahead?Click here for a quick view of courses offered over the next three weeks.

Credits is now available online. To view the most recent issue, please click here.

Golf Tournament Postponed - The 2004 Golf Tournament, scheduled for October 18, is postponed until spring 2005.

Tax Speech and PowerPoint Available - Market your tax expertise with a tax speech and PowerPoint presentation, entitled Tax Training Tips for 2004. The materials include tax-planning considerations such as Health Savings Accounts; family, homeowner, and education related tax strategies; investment strategies; and tax breaks for small business owners. For a free copy, contact Jamie Etzbach.

Georgia Society of CPAs, Atlanta Financial Center, North Tower, Suite 400, 3353 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326

