Schedule C-EZ Change Means Savings for Small Business
- The IRS will expand the number of small businesses eligible to file a simplified expense form, a move that will save money and reduce paperwork burden. The IRS will double the business expense threshold to $5,000 from $2,500 for filing the Form 1040, Schedule C-EZ.
New EITC Assistant Debuts on IRS.gov
- The IRS unveiled a new tool to help tax professionals determine whether their clients are eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit. The new application is available in English and Spanish.
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Words and Phrases That Trigger Spam Filters:
What causes your emails to bounce? Maybe you are using some of the 250 words or phrases that trigger Spam filters. For a complete list, click here. |
AICPA Launches Business Valuation and Forensic/Litigation Services Web Site:
The AICPA unveiled a new web site for its members who specialize in Business Valuation (BV) and Forensic & Litigation Services (FLS). The site is designed for any CPA who provides services in business valuation, fraud investigation, forensic accounting, family law, economic damages, litigation services and other related areas such as estate planning. |