No Change in Interest Rates - The IRS announced there will be no change in the interest rates for the calendar quarter beginning January 1, 2005. The interest rates are as follows: • 5 percent for overpayments [4 percent in the case of a corporation]; • 5 percent for underpayments; • 7 percent for large corporate underpayments; and • 2.5 percent for the portion of a corporate overpayment exceeding $10,000.
Keep current on tax issues. Join the GSCPA Taxation Section
Bylaws Approved :
On December 14, 2004, the Fellow Members of the Georgia Society of CPAs approved revisions to the Society Bylaws in accordance with Article XV, section c. The Bylaws were passed by a 93% affirmative vote. To view a copy of the new Bylaws, as of December 14, 2004, please click here. To view the specific Bylaws revisions, visit the GSCPA web site. |
GSCPA Centennial Blood Drive Launches in January:
January 1, 2005 marks the beginning of the GSCPA’s Centennial Celebration. The celebration will include various community service projects on the chapter level. On the state level, the GSCPA is working with the American Red Cross to donate 100 gallons of blood during the Centennial year. The first blood drive will be Friday, January 14 at the GSCPA offices from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. The American Red Cross is offering the chance for a great travel package for all donors. For details, click here. |
Callers Misrepresenting the GSCPA:
Some CPA firms have been receiving phone calls requesting information about their personnel – names, positions, etc. The caller identifies himself/herself as being from the GSCPA and as being Gary Julian’s assistant. No one from the Society staff or leadership is making these calls. Please do not give out any information about your personnel unless you are certain as to who is requesting the information. We hope that this has not caused any inconvenience. This makes us more aware of the fact that not all businesses have the ethics and integrity of the CPA profession. |
HSRP Chaperones Needed:
The GSCPA is looking for volunteers to help chaperone students for the 2005 High School Residency Programs(HSRP), being held June 12-15 at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro and July 10-13 at the University of Georgia in Athens. We are expecting over 100 students to participate this year and need individuals to serve as chaperones for one day and one night. If you are interested in assisting with any part of the program or have any questions, contact Julie Anderson. Please note at which school you want to volunteer. Your support of our Georgia students will help increase the number of future CPAs. |
Half-Day Peer Review Course Scheduled:
Revised AICPA Peer Review Standards and Interpretations
(course no. 01010); Tuesday, January 18; Instructor: R. Leslie Johnson; GSCPA Training Center; 8:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. - This course is for experienced peer reviewers to gain an understanding about the revisions to the AICPA Peer Review Program Standards for Performing and Reporting on Peer Reviews (Standards) and Interpretations. The course will highlight the changes reviewers, technical reviewers and committee members need to be aware for peer reviews commencing on or after January 1, 2005, and includes cases that highlight the challenges peer reviewers will likely face. LEVEL: Advanced; 4 hrs. CPE; PREREQUISITE: AICPA course How to Conduct a Review Under the AICPA Practice-Monitoring Programs. |
Key Into the Pulse of Healthcare Issues at the 2005 Healthcare Conference (course no. 13010); February 18, 2005; Cobb Galleria Centre, Atlanta; early registration ends February 4, 2005. This year’s Healthcare conference will have three general sessions in the morning followed by afternoon breakout sessions. Arthur Kellermann, M.D. of The Emory Clinic, begins the day by presenting Life in the ER: A View from the Front Lines of American Healthcare. Brad Benton and William Hanna, KPMG, Atlanta, will look at the Next Phase for Sarbanes Oxley - Controls and How You Balance Risks and Controls with Business Improvement and Glen Reed, King & Spalding, Atlanta, will be back to provide the latest developments in Healthcare in his Legal Happenings - Past and Future. Look for the detailed brochure to hit your mailbox in the next two weeks. For program/registration, click here and choose the Healthcare Conference.
AICPA's Individual Income Tax Returns Workshop**
(Course no. 01001); January 6-7, 2005 (2-day course); GSCPA Training Center; Instructor: Pat Kelley; 16 hrs. CPE
AICPA's Corporate Income Tax Returns Workshop** (Course no. 01002); January 12-13, 2005 (2-day course); GSCPA Training Center; Instructor: Gene Ristaino; 16 hrs. CPE Location: GSCPA Training Center Hours: 16 CPE hours
**Eligible for $60 discount to AICPA members.
 | Try a Different Slice of the (CPE) Pie: Do you want high quality CPE without leaving your office or home and on a schedule that fits your lifestyle? The GSCPA offers a variety of ways to meet your CPE requirements. In addition to the many conferences and seminars offered by the GSCPA, we have partnered with IdentiRisk, Surgent, PASSOnline, and CPE4CPAs to bring you Self Study CPE. GSCPA has also partnered with ACPEN and Society InSight to bring you informative web casts. Just like a live seminar, you attend a web cast at a scheduled time, only you do it via a web page on your computer. Web casts include video and audio of the speakers, slides, and seminar handout materials – all on your computer. |
The Georgia State Board of Accountancy has amended the rules for self study – the credit hours are now based on a 50 minute hour rather than a 100 minute hour. For more information, visit the Web Interactive/SelfStudy CPE page.
Want to plan ahead? For a view of courses offered over the next three weeks, click here.
Credits is now available online. For the current issue, click here.
Annual Convention Relocates to Hilton Head: |  |
 | We’re moving our beach umbrellas to the Westin Resort at Hilton Head Island for the 2005 Annual Convention. Due to the recent hurricanes that hit the Grand Caymans, the GSCPA will celebrate the Centennial with sand between their toes…in South Carolina. Mark your calendars for June 26-29 and plan to join us for sun, fun, and a great celebration. |