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Live Stream: Only Financial Officer 3.0: More Skills for Smaller Company Financial Managers (NEW) - 9/19/2024 - Live Stream
The title “chief financial officer” is not an accurate description of what many financial managers do because the word “chief” implies the company has more than one degreed accountant. Cover four major topics of importance to the financial...
Live Stream: Audit and Attest Quality Matters That Should Be On Your Radar : Avoiding Common Peer Review Deficiencies in SAS SSARS and SSAE - 9/19/2024 - Live Stream
Quality control is essential. Every CPA firm that provides audit and other attest services must undergo a third-party quality control review. Receive tips on avoiding common quality control deficiencies in all services subject to peer review.
Live Stream Series: Tax Bites with Art Auerbach - 9/19/2024 - Live Stream
Get essential tax updates from the popular instructor and tax guru Art Auerbach, CPA, in the monthly tax webinar series.
Live Stream: Accounting and Auditing Update for Small Business** - 9/23/2024 - Live Stream
Geared toward practitioners providing accounting and auditing services to small businesses, receive an update on the new accounting, auditing, compilation, preparation, review standards, and other professional guidance impacting small...
Live Stream: Driving Corporate Performance: The CPA's Role (NEW) - 9/23/2024 - Live Stream
Today’s CPAs in industry and public practice need to navigate rapid change and uncertainty. Cover topics that help small and large businesses succeed, such as cash flow, working capital, key performance indicators and scenario planning.
Live Stream: Jim Martin's Accounting & Auditing Update for the Real World - 9/24/2024 - Live Stream
Cover the significant provisions of the most recent and proposed pronouncements from the FASB, the Private Company Council, the Auditing Standards Board and the Accounting and Review Services Committee. Most of the class time will be spent...
Live Stream: How Technology Controls Should Be Developed and Implemented (NEW) - 9/24/2024 - Live Stream
Creating measures that govern technology assets and tech-based operations differs from control development for other areas of an internal control system. Often, those charged with creating measures for technology do not have the technical prowess...
Live Stream: K2's Next Generation Excel Reporting - 9/24/2024 - Live Stream
Learn about the importance of using Power Query to link data into Excel data models and how you can manage these data models to facilitate better and more efficient reporting. Explore how to incorporate tools such as Key Performance Indicators,...
Live Stream: AI and Data Analytics for Auditing (NEW) - 9/24/2024 - Live Stream
This course is designed for firm partners and managers to explore ways to incorporate data analytics and related technologies in their audit practices.  Participants explore how small and mid-size firms are using these tools to improve...
Live Stream: Advanced Management and Leadership Essentials - 2 Hour - 9/24/2024 - Live Stream
Discuss leadership skills and situations that are common for managers and senior managers in CPA firms. Participants will be encouraged to examine and challenge their beliefs and approaches to managing and leading people.Leading Others - Coaching...

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