CPA Day at the Gold Dome

January 30, 2025
Every year, numerous pieces of legislation are introduced in the Georgia General Assembly that can impact you, your profession, or your clients. CPA Day at the Gold Dome is your chance to develop key relationships within the state general assembly by sharing your thoughts and perspectives on the accounting profession's essential issues. Help your state legislators understand the issues facing the CPAs in Georgia! The time has come to advocate for your profession by meeting your elected representatives and informing them of the valuable role CPAs play in their local communities and the business community of Georgia. This unique opportunity brings a huge benefit to the profession not only in the current year but also in years to come.Join your fellow CPAs and Peers for this free event to gain an inside look at Georgia’s legislative process. Plus, you’ll receive 1.5 hours of CPE for free as well!
For questions or comments on issues that interest you, contact
Don Cook, vice president, legislative affairs at 404-504-2935.
Don Cook, vice president, legislative affairs at 404-504-2935.