We will host our next meeting on Thursday, November 14. This will be a luncheon meeting, held at the Country Club of Columbus from at 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. We will have GSCPA's Vice President of Legislative Affairs Don Cook give a Legislative Update presentation. There will be 1 hour of CPE credit. We will also have a brief (5-10 minute) update on the Foster Child Organization Tax Credit from Rev. Lynn Meadows-White of The Methodist Home of the South GA Conference. Please be sure to join us.
Chapter Meeting Details
Date: Thursday, November 14
Time: 11:30 a.m.
Location: Country Club of Columbus
Speaker: Don Cook from GSCPA
Cost: $30 members and nonmembers
Registration Details:
1.) Register and pay online.
2.) Or email lraben@robinsongrimes.com