
2.0 Credits

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) contains many changes to auto and energy-related credits. Many, if not most, of these credits reduce the cost of individual- and business-related expenses. As a result of the changes brought about by the IRA, tax advisors have new and reformed credits to understand and explain to their clients. Cover the new and revised energy-related credits clients will be asking about, such as credits related to personal autos, energy-efficient commercial vehicles, and household-related utilities and improvements. Discuss the IRA changes related to electric car credits in detail so that those attending can properly advise their individual and business clients regarding them.


  • Be familiar with the IRA credits relating to autos and residences
  • Advise clients regarding planning related to these credits

Major Topics

  • How a purchaser of an energy-efficient clean vehicle claims a credit
  • The energy efficient home improvement credit
  • The Residential Clean Energy Credit
  • The clean vehicle credit
  • The previously owned clean vehicle credit
  • The qualified commercial clean vehicle credit
  • Transfers of credits to an unrelated transferee
  • Seller report information for buyers of new and previously owned clean vehicle credits
  • Registering a dealer for dealer reporting and Clean Vehicle Tax Credit transfers



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