
8.0 Credits

Change is inevitable and, at times, overwhelming if you are unprepared. Ensure you are current in governmental and not-for-profit accounting and auditing, prepare for the latest accounting and auditing developments affecting governments and not-for-profits, and receive tools for implementing the new standards.


• Apply the most recent requirements of GASB and FASB directed toward governments and not-for-profits.
• Recall key points related to the latest developments in OMB and Yellow Book requirements.
• Identify recent activities of the AICPA and how they affect the auditor’s report.


Major Topics

• GASB update
• Not-for-profit accounting update
• Revenue recognition in not-for-profits
• FASB’s lease standard
• FASB update
• Auditor’s report and conforming changes
• Auditing Standards Board update
• SSARS and SSAE update
• Governmental auditing update


Basic knowledge and experience in governmental and not-for-profit accounting and auditing


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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

General Sessions
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