
8.0 Credits

Companies with poor cost information make bad decisions about products that are not “average.” Poor information causes companies to overprice easy, high-volume “gravy” products and underprice difficult, low-volume “dog” products. Whether your company sells goods or services, learn how to double your profit by giving the dogs to your competitor and keep the gravy for yourself.



Major Topics

Understand Real Costs
• Why traditional approaches are inadequate
• How superior cost information can double your profit
• Make Activity Based Costing spreadsheet easy
• Accurately understand overhead costs
• Recognize joint and by-products
• Add throughput costing to your toolbox

Accurately Assign Costs
• Product development and launch costs
• Depreciation
• Occupancy costs
• Supervisory costs
• Information technology costs
• Administrative costs
• Selling costs
• Excess capacity costs
• Interest and the cost of capital

Cases and Group Discussion:
This seminar includes six exercises to facilitate group discussion.


Participants should have at least six months of industry or public experience and a thorough knowledge of financial accounting principles and practices. Management experience will be helpful.

Advanced Preparation

Access to a calculator or a laptop.


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Thursday, September 12, 2024

General Sessions
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