
4.0 Credits

The market for accounting solutions designed for small businesses has never been better! From traditional desktop applications to newer Cloud-based solutions, small businesses have affordable options available today that were unthinkable for many just a few years ago. Learn about these options and receive the benefit of an unbiased comparison of many of today’s leading solutions, helping you to make an informed decision about the future direction of your accounting platform.

Solutions from companies such as Intuit, Sage, Xero, and Wave will be reviewed and compared to help you decide whether to remain with your current platform or switch to a different one. Additionally, various third-party add-ins will be covered to help you make informed decisions about issues such as automated data entry, sales tax processing, reporting, and business intelligence. In sum, if you are the least bit curious about the accounting options available for smaller businesses, this is the most critical session in which you will participate this year.



Major Topics



General understanding of accounting principles in use in small businesses

Advanced Preparation



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Wednesday, October 30, 2024

General Sessions
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Group-live demo and discussion.