
8.0 Credits

Financial shenanigans can range from relatively minor infractions involving merely a loose interpretation of accounting rules to outright fraud perpetuated over many years. As a controller or auditor, financial shenanigans are at the top of mind. Depending on the scope of the shenanigans, the repercussions may include a steep sell-off in the stock, bankruptcy, dissolution, shareholder lawsuits, or possibly jail time for those involved.


  • Understand how financial shenanigans occur and are concealed for years 
  • Learn how to detect financial shenanigans using a variety of techniques 
  • Apply financial shenanigans to various case studies


Major Topics

• Fraud Triangle, Fraud Risk Factors and COSO 
• Shenanigans in Accounts Receivable and Revenue 
• Shenanigans in Accounts Payable and Inventory 
• Contract and Procurement Shenanigans
• Corruption, Bribery and Kickback Schemes
• Ponzi Schemes 
• Techniques to Detect Various Shenanigans
• Examine financial shenanigan case studies





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Thursday, November 21, 2024

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