
8.0 Credits

Clients think that estate planning only applies to the very rich. In truth, there are many issues of critical concern for which the middle-income client needs to plan. This course is a must-attend for all CPAs working with middle-income clients looking for ways to provide additional quality services. It is continuously updated with the latest guidance.


  • Understand estate planning issues unrelated to federal tax planning
  • Inventory the documents relevant to estate preservation
  • Understand methods of providing for children and the spouse

Major Topics

  • Major provisions of the Biden administration's proposed "American Families Plan"
  • The SECURE Act, including IRA and RMD changes
  • Other major SECURE Act provisions, such as expansion of Section 529 plans and 401(k) access to part-time workers
  • The CARES Act  section 72(t) 10% early withdrawal penalty waiver
  • The CARES Act temporary waiver of RMD rules
  • Major provisions of the proposed Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2020 (The "SECURE Act 2.0")
  • More than 20 documents that should be reviewed that are neither a will nor trust
  • Applicable rates, and tactics that may be used to minimize them
  • Reducing the impact of ancillary administration
  • Provisions you need in a will
  • When a trust is needed for children
  • Durable powers of attorney, for financial matters and for healthcare
  • Realistic retirement goals
  • Management of insurance: liability, disability, and life
  • Dealing with marriage and divorce
  • Titling assets effectively
  • Developments relative to estate tax, and the implications for planning


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Monday, November 18, 2024

General Sessions
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