
8.0 Credits

Maintaining relevance in the profession is crucial in today's ever-evolving regulatory landscape. Stay up to date with the rapid developments in accounting and auditing. Delve into recent pronouncements, exposure drafts and additional guidance pertinent to accounting, auditing, review, compilation and preparation engagements. Allow us to help you navigate the complexities, assisting you in identifying and implementing the latest standards and guidance from FASB, PCAOB, ARSC, and ASB.


• Identify key points related to recently issued FASB standards and guidance.
• Recognize the effect of recently issued auditing standards, attestation standards, and standards on accounting and review services.
• Identify key concepts related to exposure drafts and other projects in accounting, auditing, compilation, preparation, and review services.
• Distinguish key elements included in the recently issued Statements on Quality Management Standards (SQMSs) and Statement on
Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARSs).

Major Topics

• Recently issued ASUs
• Current FASB exposure draft and projects
• Audit and attest engagements update
• Recent PCAOB guidance
• Latest activity from ARSC



Previous experience in accounting and auditing


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Monday, November 18, 2024

General Sessions
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