
8.0 Credits

Excel users that regularly manipulate, analyze, or present data can improve their productivity substantially by utilizing PivotTables. Many users avoid PivotTables even though they know how powerful they are because they believe PivotTables are confusing to work with and hard to use. This session shows users that with a basic understanding of PivotTable conventions, the intimidation factor disappears. Additionally, it details the robust feature set built into PivotTables. This course also spends time providing information about Excel tables, which are helpful as a stand-alone feature, but also can be used to enhance PivotTable reporting.


• Recognize the underlying concepts and conventions that drive PivotTable operation.
• Recall four important components used when creating and working with PivotTables.
• Recognize the benefits of using Excel tables, not only with PivotTables but as stand-alone objects.
• Indicate ways to improve data presentation in PivotTables.
• Recognize calculations including calculated fields and calculated items, and
• Indicate how to create and modify Pivot Charts.

Major Topics

This session is taught using a Hands-On methodology. We provide practice files that tie to the examples in the course materials so participants can undertake all the steps in unison with the instructor for a greatly improved learning experience. The topics discussed in this session include:

• Introducing PivotTables.
• Working with tables.
• Connecting PivotTables to external data.
• Creating calculations in PivotTables.
• Using PowerPivot and creating Pivot Charts.

Advanced Preparation



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Monday, December 16, 2024

General Sessions
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