
8.0 Credits

The course starts by exploring key financial reporting differences for these organizations, providing a solid foundation for understanding what makes their accounting and auditing unique. Participants will then dive into the essentials of Yellow Book and Uniform Guidance audits, gaining practical insights to confidently navigate these specialized areas. Whether you're new to the nonprofit and governmental arena or seeking a refresher, this course equips you with the knowledge and tools to succeed.


Upon completion of this course, a learner will be able to:

  • Identify the proper accounting for governmental entities
  • Recognize the CPE, reporting, and independence requirements in Yellow Book
  • Recall the performance and reporting requirements for Uniform Guidance
  • Identify the proper accounting for transactions unique to nonprofit organizations

Major Topics

  • List the elements of a Yellow Book finding
  • Describe the ethics and independence requirement of Yellow Book
  • Contrast the requirements of Yellow Book with the AICPA requirements


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Thursday, June 19, 2025

General Sessions
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