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Live Stream:Accounting Data Analytics (NEW) - 11/20/2024 - Live Stream
Examine how data analytics can improve engagement quality and efficiency. Participants explore the use of data analytics to assess risk, support financial statement assertions, assess internal controls and uncover fraud. Apply the ADA IDEAS©...
Live Stream: Reviewing S Corporation Tax Returns: What Are You Missing? - 11/20/2024 - Live Stream
The complexity of S corporation tax law creates a formidable challenge for the tax practitioner to accurately comply with and report their client's S corporation activities. Discuss the common errors practitioners make on S corporation tax...
Live Stream: Performing Effective and Efficient Audit Sampling and Analytics - 11/21/2024 - Live Stream
When performing an audit, an auditor bases their opinion on whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement on various tests on the underlying account balances and class of transactions. Receive detailed guidance and methods...
Live Stream: K2's Advanced Excel - 11/21/2024 - Live Stream
Learn critical advanced Excel skills in six key areas: how to collaborate with others and secure your workbooks, use tables to analyze and report data, work with data from external sources, the best ways to create and audit complex formulas,...
Live Stream: Common Financial Shenanigans and How to Reduce Their Occurrences (NEW) - 11/21/2024 - Live Stream
Financial shenanigans can range from relatively minor infractions involving merely a loose interpretation of accounting rules to outright fraud perpetuated over many years. As a controller or auditor, financial shenanigans are at the top of mind....
Live Stream: Surgent's Federal Tax Update (IRS) - 11/22/2024 - Live Stream
New legislation results in significant changes for businesses and individual clients. Tax professionals face the considerable challenge of delivering effective planning advice and services to address this myriad of recent developments. Address...
Live Stream: Preparing and Reviewing Workpapers: Essential Tips for Avoiding Deficient Audit and Other Attest Engagements - 11/22/2024 - Live Stream
Workpapers are the primary support for findings, conclusions and opinions on any audit or other attest engagement. Review the essential tips and techniques for ensuring high-quality yet efficient workpaper documentation.
Live Stream: Securing a Comfortable Retirement in the Age of Spending (CFP) - 11/25/2024 - Live Stream
This course gives CPAs the knowledge to help their clients plan for retirement by evaluating how much retirement income they will require and planning for how to reach their retirement goals.
Live Stream: Accounting, Audit, and Attest Updates for Practitioners with Small-Business Clients - 11/25/2024 - Live Stream
Specifically tailored for practitioners who perform audits and provide other attest and non-attest services to small and medium-sized businesses, this course is a comprehensive update covering recently issued accounting and SSARS standards and...
Live Stream: Pat Garverick's Federal Tax Update: Individual and Business Current Developments - 11/25/2024 - Live Stream
With the increasing complexity and ever-changing nature of tax laws and issues, today’s accountant needs a one-day fast-paced update course focusing on the hottest Federal income tax topics affecting individuals, businesses and their owners,...

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