How good are you with the technology you use daily? What new technology tools are available that could save you time and make you more effective? Technology continues to accelerate rapidly, and keeping pace is essential. This technology update...
This course aims to train new staff accountants, data processing employees, paraprofessionals, and bookkeepers to prepare a moderately complex federal individual income tax return. Over the years, thousands of new staff have received practical,...
The employer-employee relationship strains both sides in uncertain times. Businesses need CPAs, controllers and other advisors to understand the complicated legal, tax and health care issues associated with all aspects of employment, especially...
Cover the significant provisions of the most recent and proposed pronouncements from the FASB, the Auditing Standards Board and the Accounting ad Review Services Committee. The course is presented from the perspective of a small firm...
Learn how to build PivotTables, group data inside PivotTables, and create user-defined calculations in your PivotTables. Review advanced PivotTable techniques, including consolidating data with PivotTables and linking data from external sources...
Receive updates on standards from the FASB, SSARS and the AICPA private company audit standards. CPAs in industry and public practice want to understand the changes going live in 2024 in accounting, compilation, review and auditing. This...
Receive the knowledge to help your clients plan for retirement by evaluating how much retirement income they will require and plan for how to reach their retirement goals.
Finally, an income tax update that focuses on the normal practitioner’s clients. New government legislation is presented from the perspective of what the typical tax practitioner needs to know. As a bonus, changes in the State of Georgia rules...
Forensic accounting has been a rapidly growing part of the accounting profession. The rapid expansion of technology, growth in various business and industry sectors, and the rise and increase in complexity of white-collar crimes contribute to...
As spreadsheets evolve, so must your creating, editing, and auditing practices. Gain an in-depth understanding of the best ways to work with Excel spreadsheets by learning best practices in creating and editing Excel workbooks, securing Excel...