Georgia CPAs Meet With Legislators on Capitol Hill

GSCPA Leadership joined CPAs from across the country as they journeyed to Capitol Hill to visit their elected officials as part of AICPA's Spring Council meeting in Washington, D.C.
They made the case for several issues important to the profession and the public, including problems with the IRS's service during busy season and mobile workforce legislation.
Leaders also called for permanent tax relief when natural disasters strike. In addition, they underscored the importance of preserving the use of the cash basis of accounting for tax purposes to avoid increased administrative and record-keeping burdens on businesses.
“It was a great day in Washington as GSCPA Leadership descended on Capitol Hill to talk about and share issues that are important to the CPA profession, important to the business community and important to the general public. We were there fighting for the CPAs we serve in Georgia and the CPA profession as a whole,” said GSCPA CEO, Boyd Search.
Key appointments from the day included a meeting with Rep. Tom Price; a meeting with Rep. Austin Scott; a meeting with Monica McGuire, tax policy advisor for Sen. Johnny Isakson; a meeting with Sen. David Purdue’s tax team; a meeting with Rep. Lynn Westmoreland’s staff and many more.
“It was a productive day. The senators, representatives and their teams were very helpful and listened to our input. They also provided some valuable feedback on our efforts as we move forward, and we just appreciate their time,” said GSCPA member, Royce Duncan.

Don Cook, VP, legislative affairs at 404-504-2935.