
4.0 Credits

Review real-life illustrations of the critical role that professional skepticism plays in uncovering fraud, error and illegal acts.


Upon completion of this course participants will be able to:

  • Describe professional skepticism and the important role it plays in audits, reviews and other attest services
  • Explain how professional skepticism may lead to detection of fraud, errors and illegal acts
  • Discuss “real-life” scenarios in which professional skepticism was not properly applied by external accountants

Major Topics

  • Why professional skepticism is so important to detecting material fraud or error
  • What are an external accountant’s responsibilities for fraud, error and illegal acts in SSARS, SAS, and SSAE engagements
  • Illustrative examples of challenging the persuasiveness of evidence supporting the propriety of transactions and events
  • Designed For

    Public accountants, industry accountants, internal auditors and others that need to monitor whether professional skepticism is being properly applied
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