Designed to explore current and ongoing issues, including the development of soft skills, that will have a substantial impact on the effectiveness of the financial professional in the workplace, this seminar focuses on external factors impacting businesses, such as government deficits, regulatory issues, and international economic factors.
At the completion of this course, the student will: * Understand the impact of Dodd-Frank on the Banking Industry * Analyze the impact of federal, state & local deficits on future business growth * Identify key factors affecting global competition * Identify various scenarios for the future of medical care and health insurance and its impact on costs * Analyze the impact of our national Infrastructure on business growth * Analyze the impact of inflation, deflation and stagflation * Analyze uncertainty and managing growth in an organization
Major Topics
* Dodd-Frank on the banking industry * Federal, State & Local Deficits on future business growth * Competing Globally * Medical Care & Health Insurance * National Infrastructure on business growth * Inflation, Deflation, and Stagflation * Uncertainty & Managing Growth in an organization
Designed For
For CPAs, industry accounting and finance staff, C-level corporate officers