We will focus on fraud while working remotely and how it adapts to any and every situation.During troubling times we can always expect new and creative fraud to occur but also these dicey times give rise to the discovery of existing fraud. In the words of Warren Buffet, “You only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out.”. Frauds that might be hidden in the good times may be concealed for months or years but unfortunately COVID is revealing the cover up and the money stolen. Interestingly enough Bernie Madoff’s ponzi scheme was uncoved during the last recession in 2008.
* Inside the mind of a fraudster - we will excerpts from the interview with ACFE Vice President of Education John D Gill, J.D., CFE and answer his big three questions namely 1. Motivations & Justifications of Fraudsters, 2. Education of the fraudster, and 3. The value of the human element in internal controls.
* Is the fraud diamond the new and improved fraud triangle for speaking the language of the fraudster?
* Which Enneagram is the most and least likely to commit, deter, and detect fraud in the workplace? We will discuss the small compromises and the ethical dilemmas surrounding unhealthy facets of all of our natural personality types.
* We will look into three cases and see if we find more than collusion, but a deep rooted pattern, propensity and proclivity towards fraud even before it happened.
* We will conclude with a “Who Dunnit” fraud game that turns the audience into suspects and we will solve a real financial crime.