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Live Stream: U.S. GAAP: Review of New Guidance and Hot Topics** (NEW) - 8/15/2024 - Live Stream
Review new guidance and hot topics, including pronouncements, exposure drafts and other guidance recently issued by FASB. Hot topics include major accounting standards updates such as revenue recognition, credit losses and leases, and critical...
Live Stream: Yellow Book Ethics (YB) - 8/15/2024 - Live Stream
The 2018 Yellow Book addresses key ethical concepts, including public interest, integrity, objectivity, and professional behavior. Review those key concepts and their application to auditors in a governmental environment and changes to the...
Live Stream: A Complete Tax Guide to Exit Planning (IRS)(NEW) - 8/15/2024 - Live Stream
When exit planning, it is important to weigh various issues, including tax implications, to achieve an effective management and/or ownership change. Many envision tax-free reorganizations being the most preferable structure to avoid capital gains...
Live Stream: Preparing and Reviewing Workpapers for Higher Quality Audits (NEW) - 8/16/2024 - Live Stream
Focus on preparing financial statement audit documentation critical for high-quality audits that can pass peer review.
Live Stream: Running a Not-for-Profit Like a Business - 8/16/2024 - Live Stream
Understand how not-for-profit and for-profit businesses are alike and different. Explore best practices that the not-for-profit can utilize to become more strategic, profitable, efficient and accountable.
Live Stream: Social Security and Medicare: Planning for You and Your Clients (CFP) - 8/26/2024 - Live Stream
Social Security seems poised for changes in benefits and eligibility age. The leading edge of the baby boomer generation has already reached retirement age. Financial and tax planners can expect increased demand for strategies that dovetail...
Live Stream: Embedding Enterprise- Wide Risk Management Principles into Accounting and Finance (NEW) - 8/26/2024 - Live Stream
Organizations are challenged with identifying, evaluating and responding to a wide variety of risks. Discuss tips and best practices for enterprise-wide risk management for accounting and finance professionals.
Live Stream: What's Going on at the GASB? - 8/27/2024 - Live Stream
The GASB has been working on some big projects lately. Look at the GASB standards effective this year, including GASB 100, Accounting Changes and Error Corrections and GASB 101, Compensated Absences. Review the GASB standards coming down the...
Live Stream: What's Going on at the FASB? - 8/27/2024 - Live Stream
Review the Accounting Standard Updates effective in 2024 for public entities, private entities, and nonprofits, as well as the year two implications of the leases standard, including modification accounting. Discuss the items coming down the...
Live Stream: CFO/Controller's Roadmap to Success: Integrated Planning, Forecasting, and Budgeting - 8/27/2024 - Live Stream
Discuss how to integrate the planning process entirely and how it can move from long-range thinking through medium-term planning, through the annual budget, and to the monthly cash-flow forecast. Learn how to avoid many political pitfalls that...

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