- A Message from GSCPA CEO Boyd E. Search Regarding COVID-19
The Georgia Society of CPAs has been monitoring the latest developments concerning the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. We’re all living in a world that we didn’t expect just a few months ago. Unprecedented actions are being taking to protect the most vulnerable in our communities. GSCPA has been and continues to actively work with state and federal legislators and agencies to represent the profession’s interests. The landscape is changing rapidly each day.
GSCPA will be communicating updates affecting the CPA profession and Georgia’s business community as they become available. I strongly encourage you to follow GSCPA’s social media channels. The Society has also created a COVID-19 Resource Center, to provide information and tools to keep you connected and informed.

GA To Start Disbursing $1,800 In Federal Aid To Jobless Next Week
Georgia Trims Application Window for Students' One-Time Food Benefit
Source: ajc 9/11/20
Gov. Kemp Extends COVID-19 Restrictions, Executive Orders
Source: fox5atlanta 9/1/20
Perdue Talks Federal COVID-19 Loan Program's Future With Georgia Business
Source: northwestgeorgianews 8/20/20
Kemp Extends Public Health State of Emergency, Renews COVID-19 Restrictions
Source: georgia.gov 8/03/20
Gov. Kemp Extends Georgia's Public Health State of Emergency
Billions Allocated to Local Georgia Governments Through CARES Act
Georgia Department of Labor Sees Drop in Unemployment Rate Hopefully for Future
Georgia Processes More Unemployment Claims In 14 Weeks Than In Past 7 Years
Source: thechattanoogan 6/25/20
Georgia Offers 13-Week Extension for Unemployment Claims Through Federal Program
Source: thecentersquare 6/12/20
Select Cobb, A Division of Cobb County Chamber of Commerce, grant applications for businesses in Cobb affected by COVID-19 are due Friday June 26 at 5pm
Source: selectcobb.com 6/16/20
How Georgia's Unemployment Benefits Have Changed During the Pandemic
Source: wabe 6/05/20
Georgia Department of Public Health Releases Daily Status Report
Source: Georgia Dept of Public Health 5/28/20
Georgia Chamber releases information on reopening the Georgia economy
Source: gscpa.org 4/21/20
Governor Kemp's Office has shared an FAQ Related to the Shelter-in-Place Order. You do not need an authorization letter to go to work. Click here for the full FAQ.
Source: gscpa.org 4/3/2020
Gov Kemp Shelter in Place Executive Order Released
Source: gscpa.org 3/2/2020
GSCPA Asks Counties and Cities to List Accounting as Essential Services
Source: gscpa.org 3/25/20
Georgia Income Tax and Tag Renewal Deadline Extension
Gov. Kemp announces Georgia state tax deadline extension
Source: gscpa.org 3/23/30
GSCPA sends letter to Gov. Kemp to consider accounting to be considered an essential service in Georgia
Source: gscpa.org 3/21/20
COVID-19: Tax Deadline Extended to July 15
Source: gscpa.org 3/20/20
SBA Offers Disaster Assistance to Georgia Small Businesses Economically Impacted by the Coronavirus
Source: Office of the Governor 3/18/20
Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announces request for $100M in state funds to combat COVID-19
Source: Office of the Governor 3/12/20
Georgia General Assembly adopts House Resolution 1473 on March 12, 2020 suspending session at the end of day 29 in the interest of the health and safety of the members, staff and public given the measures to be taken regarding COVID-19
Source: Georgia General Assembly 3/13/20
Governor Brian Kemp declares a Public Health State of Emergency for COVID-19 – this declaration also calls for a Special Legislative Session to be convened on Monday, March 16, 2020 at 8am
Source: Office of the Governor 3/16/20
HB 949 – Georgia Conformity Bill – current status is it has passed the House and has been read in the Senate
Source: Georgia General Assembly 3/14/20

IRS Announces PPE is Tax Deductible
Source: gscpa.org 03/29/21
IRS Begins Delivering Third Round of Economic Impact Payments to Americans
Source: gscpa.org 03/16/21
IRS Statement: American Rescue Plan of 2021
Source: gscpa.org 03/13/21
What Employers Need To Know About Repayment Of Differed Payroll Taxes
source: gscpa.org 3/7/21
HB1319- American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Passes the House and is Headed to President Biden
Source: gscpa.org 03/6/21
Inside the Tax Provisions Stimulus Act
Source: accountingtoday 03/09/21
What's In The Second Stimulus Package
Source: cnn 12/28/20
How the CARES Act Changes Deducting Charitable Contributions
Source: gscpa.org 11/12/20
IRS Guidance Sought on Employee Retention Credit
Source: accountingweb 10/16/20
IRS Extends Economic Impact Payment Deadline To Nov. 21 To Help Non-Filers
Source: gscpa.org 10/6/20
Deadlines To Register For An Economic Impact Payment Are Just Around The Corner
Executive Order Delays Workers' Payroll Tax Payments
Source: journalofaccountancy.com 8/10/20
CDC Launches Natural Disasters and COVID-19 Response Website
SBA Provided $20 Billion to Small Businesses and Non-Benefits Through the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Advance Program
Source: gscpa 7/13/20
CARES Act Causing Business Valuation Concerns for Divorces, Estate Plans and Partnerships
Source: cpapracticeadvisor 7/9/20
Extra $600 CARES Act Unemployment Benefit Ends July 31. Here's What To Know
White House 'Very Seriously Considering' Another Stimulus Bill' - Here's How the CARES Act Has Impacted Poverty Rates
PPP Recipients Can Apply Early For Loan Forgiveness, SBA Says
Source: journalofaccountancy 6/23/20
Guidance for Coronavirus-Related Distributions and Loans from Retirement Plans Under the CARES Act
Relief for Tax Payers Affected By COVID-19 Who Take Contributions or Loans from Retirement Plans
Source: gscpa.org 6/19/20
Federal Disaster Loan Program Applications No Longer Limited to Agricultural Businesses
Source: cnbc 6/16/20
IRS Provides Guidance on Employer Leave-Based Donation Programs That Aid Victims of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Source: gscpa.org 6/11/20
PPP Forgiveness Changes Coming as Senate Passes House Bill
Source: Journal of Accountancy 6/4/20
SBA Releases Business Loan Program Temporary Changes; Paycheck Protection Program - Requirements - Loan Forgiveness
Source: treasury.gov 5/23/20
SBA Releases Business Loan Program Temporary Changes; Paycheck Protection Program - SBA Loan Review Procedures and related Borrower and Lender Responsibilities
source: gscpa.org 5/23/20
SBA Releases Interim Rule on Loan Forgiveness for PPP Released
Source: gscpa.org 5/23/20
GASB Statement No. 95 Announces Postponement of the Effective Dates of Certain Authoritative Guidance
Source: gscpa.org 5/8/20
IRS: COVID-19 Paid Leave Tax Credits for Small and Midsize Businesses
Source: gscp.org 5/8/20
IRS Releases Information on Three New Credits Available to Many Businesses Hit by COVID-19
Source: gscpa.org 5/7/20
Paycheck Protection Program Loans
Source: treasury.gov 5/3/20
SBA to Make Economic Injury Disaster Loans Available to U.S. Agricultural Business Impacted by COVID-19 Pandemic
Source: sba.gov 5/5/20
IRS Notice 2020-32 on Expense Deductions the PPP Loan
AICPA Challenging Non-Deductability of PPP-Related Expenses
Source: Journal of Accountancy 5/1/20
More Information On SBA Loans
Source: gscpa.org 4/3/2020
U.S. Department of Labor releases Q and A on Families First Coronavirus Response Act
IRS Unveils New People First Initiative; COVID-19 Effort Temporarily Adjusts, Suspends Key Compliance Programs
First Guidance Released by DOL on Families First Act
IRS Releases Filing and Payment Deadlines Questions and Answers
Treasury, IRS and Labor announce plan to implement Coronavirus-related paid leave for workers and tax credits for small and midsize businesses to swiftly recover the cost of providing Coronavirus-related leave
Source: gscpa.org 3/20/20
IRS Notice: Relief for Taxpayers Affected by Ongoing Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic
Source: gscpa.org 3/20/20
Tracking Chart: State and Local Government Filing Relief Due to COVID-19 - Updated as information comes in
Source: cost.org 3/20/20
On Wednesday, March 18, 2020, the President signed into law: H.R. 6201, the "Families First Coronavirus Response Act."
Source: The Desk of the White House 3/19/20
IRS Announces April 15 Payment Deadline Extended to July 15,2020
Source: IRS 3/18/20
IRS has created a coronavirus tax relief page
Source: IRS 3/16/20
The only news alert posted so far states that: The Internal Revenue Service has advised that high-deductible health plans (HDHPs) can pay for 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)-related testing and treatment, without jeopardizing their status.
AICPA has posted a document that details out what all states are doing with regard to COVID-19
Source: AICPA Updated Frequently
Letter from President Trump on Emergency Determination Under the Stafford Act, in this letter, President Trump instructs Secretary Mnuchin to provide relief from tax deadlines to Americans who have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 emergency, as appropriate, pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 7508A(a)
Source: The Desk of the White House 3/13/20